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Take the first step towards a truly sustainable future, Join our Wheat Straw Club and be part of the solution!

Sustainability – Our commitment to our community

We take pride in producing packaging that is made right here in Australia.

A Truly Sustainable, No PFAS Added, and Circular Choice.

Our Packaging is compostable, reducing the burden on landfills and decomposes naturally without leaving behind harmful microplastics along with food waste.


Why choose COPAR

No PFAS Added

A sustainable choice for Food Service, Hospitality, Meat, Horticulture, and Healthcare industries.

COPAR's solution signals the end of the era where harmful single-use packaging dominates the market. Our wheat straw packaging has no PFAS added and is plastic-free. Join the Wheat Straw Club today !

Eliminating Waste

Preserving Nature:

Wheat straw, once considered waste or burned, is now transformed into valuable packaging material.

 Local Sourcing:

Our wheat straw is sourced from trusted local farmers. By supporting local sourcing, we reduce transportation emissions and strengthen our local

 Traceability and Transparent Supply Chain:

From sourcing wheat straw from local farmers to the production of our packaging, we maintain a clear and accountable process. This commitment allows you to confidently communicate the sustainable origins of your packaging to your customers.

Speed to Market:

With COPAR's Wheat Straw Packaging, you can enjoy a swift and efficient production process, allowing you to meet your customers' demands while maintaining your sustainability goals.

Versatility and Performance:

Our Wheat Straw Packaging provides the same level of functionality and performance as traditional packaging materials.


Local Sourcing and Manufacturing

Explore our truly sustainable packaging range here

Explore Our Process


Our Research and Development

Through extensive research, collaboration with experts, and partnerships with leading academic institutions like the University of Newcastle, Australia, we are able to develop cutting-edge packaging technologies that meet the evolving needs of businesses.

Our commitment to innovation and continuous improvement drives us to deliver packaging solutions that not only meet the needs of today but also anticipate the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.


In-house Composting Solution

24 hours is all it takes !

Transform food waste and COPAR's packaging into compost, onsite, overnight!

Meet Compost Ben

Our friendly companion on a mission to educate and inspire individuals of all ages about the importance of composting,its positive impact on the environment and how to compost food waste and COPAR products with ease at home.

Interested in implementing the Compost Ben campaign for your business or premises?

By implementing this sustainable initiative, you can raise awareness about the importance of composting, empower your customers to make environmentally conscious choices, and position your business as a leader in sustainability.
