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Breaking Down the Benefits: Why Compostable Packaging is the Future

Breaking Down the Benefits: Why Compostable Packaging is the Future

Choosing the right environmentally friendly packaging is a crucial part of a business's sustainability strategy. Businesses, both big and small, are prioritising the reduction of environmental impact by switching to sustainable packaging. But how do you identify which alternate packaging is best for your business?

While recycling is a step in the right direction, we need more solutions.  That’s where compostable packaging comes in.

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What is Sustainable Packaging?

What is Sustainable Packaging?

Sustainable packaging encompasses materials and design strategies aimed at reducing environmental impact throughout a product's lifecycle. From raw material sourcing to disposal, sustainable packaging prioritises eco-friendly alternatives, minimises waste generation, and promotes circularity.
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Packaging That Gives Back: Why Compostable Matters

Packaging That Gives Back: Why Compostable Matters

When we talk about packaging, we often think about its purpose to protect and carry food. But what happens after we're done with it? Traditional packaging can linger in landfills for centuries. That's where compostable packaging comes into play and truly gives back to the earth.

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Reducing Waste in Food & Hospitality Industry: Simple Tips for Sustainable Practices and Better Packaging Choices

Reducing Waste in Food & Hospitality Industry: Simple Tips for Sustainable Practices and Better Packaging Choices

From overflowing food bins to piles of single-use plastics, waste generation poses a significant challenge for businesses in the food & hospitality sector.

However, there's a brighter side! It's possible to cut down on waste in your hospitality business and still keep your customers happy. Here's a quick guide with some easy steps you can take to make your business more sustainable and efficient.

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Why Australian-Made Packaging?

Why Australian-Made Packaging?

Choosing Australian-made packaging can be a powerful way to lessen your environmental impact and support local businesses at the same time. At COPAR, we're proud to be an Australian-made company that is committed to providing sustainable packaging solutions.

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5 common composting mistakes and how to avoid them

5 common composting mistakes and how to avoid them

Composting is a fantastic way to reduce waste and create nutrient-rich soil for your garden. However, newcomers to composting often encounter a few common issues that can hinder the process. 

Here's a look at five typical composting mistakes and tips on how to avoid them, ensuring your composting efforts are fruitful and hassle-free.

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The Role of Consumer Education in Sustainable Packaging: Why Educating Your Customers is Key to Making a Positive Impact

The Role of Consumer Education in Sustainable Packaging: Why Educating Your Customers is Key to Making a Positive Impact

Consumers want to know more about the products they use every day. That's where businesses like ours step in, not just by choosing better packaging but also by teaching our customers why it matters.
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Composting in Small Spaces: Tips and Tricks

Composting in Small Spaces: Tips and Tricks

Many of us living in apartments or homes with limited outdoor space might wonder how we can contribute to composting.

Here's how you can start composting in small spaces, transforming your organic waste into nutrient-rich soil, even without a backyard.

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Why Composting is Good for Your Garden and the Earth

Why Composting is Good for Your Garden and the Earth

Why Composting is Good for Your Garden and the Earth? Composting is a simple step that makes a big difference in reducing waste and improving the health of our planet. At COPAR, we encourage everyone to give it a try. It's an action that aligns with our mission of sustainability and care for the Earth.
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How Producers Can Drive Sustainability: Extending Responsibility Across the Product Lifecycle

How Producers Can Drive Sustainability: Extending Responsibility Across the Product Lifecycle

Producers play a pivotal role in the journey towards a more sustainable future, especially in terms of environmental impact and waste management. Taking responsibility for the products we introduce into the market not only aligns with the principles of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) but also sets the stage for significant positive change.
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How to Compost at Home: A Simple Guide

How to Compost at Home: A Simple Guide

Ready to make a big environmental impact with a small, simple step? Composting at home is the answer! This eco-friendly habit is not just good for the earth; it's a powerful way to bring sustainable practices into your daily life. Let's break down how easy it is to start.

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Decoding Packaging Materials

Decoding Packaging Materials

Packaging might seem like the wrapping paper of our consumer lives – rip it open and forget it – but its impact runs deeper than you think. It is an integral part of any product, and it can make all the difference for your customers.

Let's delve into the various types of packaging materials available.

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