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Composting in Small Spaces: Tips and Tricks

Composting in Small Spaces: Tips and Tricks

Many of us living in apartments or homes with limited outdoor space might wonder how we can contribute to composting.

Here's how you can start composting in small spaces, transforming your organic waste into nutrient-rich soil, even without a backyard.

  1. Understand Your Composting Options

First, identify the composting method that suits your space:

  • Bokashi Bins: An anaerobic process that ferments your waste, perfect for indoor use without odours.
  • Worm Composting: Utilises red wigglers to break down waste into compost; great for keeping under the sink.
  1. Select the Right Spot

Find a convenient spot in your home for your compost bin. It could be under the kitchen sink, on a balcony, or in a utility area. The key is to choose a location that makes it easy to add to your compost bin regularly without disrupting your living space.

  1. Balance Your Greens and Browns

Successful composting requires a balance between nitrogen-rich green materials (like vegetable scraps and coffee grounds) and carbon-rich brown materials (such as dry leaves, paper, and cardboard). An ideal ratio is about 3 parts browns to 1 part greens to avoid odours and accelerate the composting process.

  1. Manage Moisture and Aeration

Your compost should be as moist as a wrung-out sponge. If it's too dry, add a bit of water; if too wet, add more browns to absorb excess moisture. Regularly turning or mixing your compost helps aerate it, preventing odors and encouraging decomposition.

  1. Use Your Compost

Once your compost is ready, use it to enrich houseplants, container gardens, or share it with friends who garden. If you don't have a use for it yourself, look for community gardens or neighbours who could benefit from your compost.

  1. Educate Yourself and Others

Learn about what can and cannot be composted. Share your knowledge and experiences with others. COPAR’s initiatives, like our educational campaigns with Compost Ben and partnerships with organisations like Sustainability for Kids, aim to spread awareness and encourage sustainable practices in all communities.


Reach out to us at sales@copar.eco if you are looking to implement this educational campaign in your business.

Composting in small spaces might seem challenging at first, but it's a rewarding journey toward reducing waste and contributing to a healthier planet. COPAR is dedicated to supporting this journey, offering sustainable packaging solutions that complement your eco-friendly lifestyle. Our compostable packaging, made from materials like wheat straw, aligns with the circular economy, further reducing the environmental impact of our daily lives.